We will start in Čingov or at Letanovský mlyn, cross Tomašovská dolina, turn into Sokolej dolina and after ascending the ridge we will cross Glacká cesta to Kláštorisko. There we will have the opportunity for refreshments and after that we will return to the starting point of our tour.
Due to its remoteness, Sokolia dolina is a relatively less visited gorge in the Slovak Paradise, intended only for "experts". During the passage through the gorge, it is often necessary to cross streams and fallen trees.
The entrance to the gorge is quite long, we will walk along the Biela voda brook, which in the past considered wood from the surrounding forests.
Despite the difficulty and length of the tour, even less able tourists can handle it.
The mountain leader has a rope with him when crossing the gorge and, in case of client uncertainty, secures it with a rope.
It is possible to cross the gorge even in winter, when the stream is frozen and the waterfalls are transformed into ice.
It is possible to cross the gorge even in rainy weather, but the level of the stream is usually higher, it is necessary to cross the sidewalk often along the water, which requires a considerable amount of caution and waterproof hiking boots.
A number of persons per mountain guide depending on the season. Summer max. 15 persons, winter max. 6 people.
Admission to the national park is about 2 € per person.