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We offer:

  • trips to the mountains of Slovakia & Europe
  • visit of cultural monuments
  • service of international mountain leaders and tourist guides

We provide:

  • hiking, trekking
  • support on the Via Ferrata
  • organizing courses of movement in the mountain environment, movement on snowshoes, avalanche courses, and courses of basic ski mountaineering skills
  • insurance in the mountains for the intervention of the Mountain Rescue Service
  • programs for travel agencies
Top tours
Via Ferrata in Slovak paradise
Rysy from Poland
Beautiful Spiš
Across the Tatras in 6 days
Končistá peak (2,537 m)
Furkotský peak (2405 m)

International Mountain Leaders


International Mountain Leaders

UIMLA International Mountain leaders include members of mountain rescue teams, national park rangers, and nature-lovers.
Mountain leaders like us are well-acquainted with the terrain, they will talk on and on about the
surroundings, about their experiences in the mountains, both sad and humorous. We will ensure that
the hike will linger in your memories for years to come, as this experience adds to the wonders of nature
that you’ll see. We can predict the weather patterns, the state of the footpaths, we can assess the risks
(avalanches, snowstorms, and thunderstorms). We will also make sure that you carry appropriate
equipment, and that the hike ensues at an appropriate time.


The mountain insurance


The mountain insurance

Please check, if your insurance is covering evacuation from the mountains.
If you have any I can buy it for you here.  That´s insurance just for mountains and it covers just transport or evacuation from the mountains to hospital by mountain rescue service and it is not covering all medical service. For medical support you have to buy traveling insurance, that´s up to you.
If you have got just a European health service blue card during your trips in Europe, that covering only emergency service in the hospital. This health service is valid for citizens of the EU. If you are from another country you will need to buy it there.
For The Mountain insurance I will need:

  • Name and Surname
  • Day of birth
  • Nationality

This is insurance for Slovak mountains so that will be for 1 day and it cost 1 euro per person. We pay it for you.
Insurance cover:
Mountain rescue service · Accident insurance
We will protect you from high bills for helicopter or scooter transport, recovery, or search in the mountains. The insurance covers the costs of mountain hunt, rescue, and land or air transport to the nearest health service of up to € 20,000 (for example, a helicopter intervention in the High Tatras costs about € 4,000). Insurance covers the following areas:
Mala Fatra, Velka Fatra, Belianske Tatry, Low Tatras, High Tatras, Western Tatras, Pieniny, Middle Beskydy, Kysucke Beskydy, Moravian-Silesian Beskydy, Kysucky Highlands, Bukovske vrchy, Kremnicke vrchy, Javorniky, Slovak Paradise.
Accident insurance:
We will pay compensation in the event of permanent consequences or death as a result of an accident. The insurance covers compensation of survivors of EUR 7,000 in case of death of the insured person as a result of an accident. In the case of permanent consequences after injury, we will pay damages up to EUR 14,000 according to the percentage of consequences determined by the doctor. Example: If the physician determines that the permanent consequences are 70%, 70% of the € 14 000, or € 9 800, would be compensated.

Hike difficulty scale


Hike difficulty scale

Many different features of a hike are being taken into account when planning a trip, which means that
the hikes will be of varying difficulties. We would like you to have a look at the difficulty scale of the
hikes we offer, so that you can choose a difficulty level that best suits your needs.


Difficulty is decided according to:

  • Total distance of the hike
  • Total time
  • Maintenance level and material of the path
  • Technical difficulty of the hike, equipment needed
  • Total vertical distance
  • Usual weather, temperature difference
  • Distance to nearest services, evacuation options


We have created a simple difficulty scale for the hikes we offer:


1/7 very easy: No previous experience needed for this difficulty level. A healthy person capable of taking
a short weekend walk will have no issues with this kind of hike. You can expect gentle ascents and
descents, walking 2 – 4 hours, and vertical distance up to 200 metres.


2/7 easy: You have taken a hike before, but you have no recent experience. Total vertical distance is 200
– 500 metres, you can expect some slightly demanding ascents and descents. A hike of this difficulty
level should not take longer that 5 hours.


3/7 easy/intermediate: You enjoy short hikes relatively frequently with no issues. Total vertical distance
traveled is 400 – 600 metres, total time is ~ 6 hours, excluding breaks. The path is grassy or rocky,
oftentimes uneven.


4/7 intermediate: Average physique and experience with mountain hikes is expected at this difficulty
level. Total vertical distance traveled is 600 – 900 metres, total time is 7 – 8 hours. The terrain is
mountain-like, potentially with ladders, chains, and steps along the way.


5/7 hard: You are expected to be mentally and physically prepared at this difficulty level, you should
have no issues with heights or with mountain terrain. Safety equipment can be found along the way.
Total vertical distance is 800 – 1100 metres, the hike will take 8 – 9 hours.


6/7 demanding: The hike is rather long and physically demanding. Good physique, no fear of heights,
and ability to withstand temperature and weather change is expected at this level. Total vertical
distance is 1000 – 1300 metres, total time is 10 – 11 hours. We will move through alpine terrain with
safety equipment throughout the day.


7/7 very demanding: The hikes at this level are extremely physically demanding; they are suitable for
experienced hikers. Above-average physique and mental state are expected. Total vertical distance is
more than 1300 metres, total time is more than 12 hours.

Rules of order process


Rules of order process

We are glad that you are interested in taking a trip with us, hoping you will be satisfied with our


There are multiple ways of making a reservation:

  • Filling out the form on the subpage of the trip, this is the simplest way
  • Sending us an e-mail with your personal preferences, should they differ from what we offer
  • Calling us to settle on the details


Phone: +421 903 646 099